Nick Clegg’s idea of taxing tycoons sounds very
‘modernising’, but tycoons need a pro quo for their quids, sorry, quae, as the
Roman historian Livy knew.
For Romans, there was no such thing as a tax on income.
Bar money raised from e.g. harbour dues, sales and inheritance taxes, the
Senate got its money from the proceeds of empire. So Romans did not pay tax:
they got others to pay it for them. (Come on, Ed. It’s a winner.)
Before the Romans gained an empire, however, the Senate
taxed to pay for the army. This system divided citizens into seven classes
(whence our ‘class’) by wealth. The top group, the equites, were the richest
men in society. They were liable for the most tax. Then came five numbered
classes, from first classis to fifth. Finally, there was an unnumbered group,
the proletarii, with no wealth at all, only children (Latin proles, ‘child’).
Regular censuses took place to determine your classis, with severe punishment
for evasion.
This system baffled Livy: why were the rich willing to
pay tax as a proportion of their wealth and therefore vastly more than anyone
else? He found the answer in the same classis-based voting system for passing
Senate legislation. This was collegiate, and the wealthiest two classes
commanded 98 of the votes, while all the rest put together — the vast majority
of the citizens — had only 95!
In other words, the return for the rich was effectively
total control over the conduct of affairs on which the state spent their money.
‘No taxation without representation’, we say. Livy might emend that to ‘No more
than anyone else’s taxation without more representation’. What’s unfair in
principle about that, Nick? It’s proportional, isn’t it? Especially since, in
your ‘fair’ system, 650 MPs out of 46 million voters actually make all the
decisions! Further, they are not even rich — all, in fact, as poor as church
mice, as they endlessly bleat.
Here’s the deal, then: tycoons, pay the full whack of tax
that the state imposes, and have another vote or 12. Do not pay it, and no
votes for you, just like prisoners.
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